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学者 / 商学院 / 医疗管理


在医疗保健领域,总是需要有爱心的人. 在各种岗位上学习医疗保健管理的各个方面, 具有扎实的知识基础, 医疗保健业务和科学方面的技能和能力. Our program will help prepare you to succeed in the ever-growing healthcare profession – with competence, 带着信心,用心.

医疗保健管理计划旨在为您提供相关知识, skills and competencies necessary for managing in the 21st century healthcare industry. 医疗保健管理人员必须有专业知识,不仅在医疗保健, 还要具备运营等关键业务领域的工作知识, 会计, 金融, 市场营销, 人力资源, 领导, 策略和更多.

The knowledge gained from the BBA in 医疗管理 provides you with an excellent foundation of knowledge, skills and abilities for working effectively in a variety of management capacities. 你也将准备在各种非临床工作, 行业内的非管理职位.

There is currently and will continue to be a need for employees educated in healthcare management. The degree is constructed to offer several options by selecting elective classes if one wishes to specialize in public health, 心理健康, 长期护理管理或急性护理管理.

医疗保健管理工商管理学士学位也可以作为一个跳板 医疗保健管理MBA公共卫生硕士或临床学位.

  • 人口老龄化, 所以现在和将来都需要质量, 知识渊博的医疗保健管理人员.
  • The program will equip you with the necessary competencies to effectively and efficiently manage others in the industry.
  • 你将学习医疗保健操作, 组织策略, 医学术语, 信息管理, 医疗法律, 医学伦理等等.
  • 该课程将让你接触自然科学,包括生物学, 化学, 解剖学和生理学.
  • You’ll have the opportunity to engage in a 200-hour internship or an in-depth research project.
  • 毕业后你会有很多选择, 包括在这个行业工作, upward movement if currently employed in the industry or the foundation necessary to pursue graduate studies.

This accelerated pathway allows you to take classes that count as dual credit towards both your BBA and MBA degrees, 让你有能力在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位, 节省你的时间和金钱. 了解我们的MBA课程.

Healthcare practitioners from various organizations within the healthcare industry will be your instructors in the program. 现实生活中的当前例子, 场景, 每个医疗保健管理课程都提供案例研究. 在课堂上分享工作经验是很重要的, as it bridges the latest healthcare management theory to what you will encounter when working in the industry. The program’s curriculum is also updated regularly to reflect current best practices within the field.

With the in-depth knowledge and career-ready skills you’ll gain in our professional healthcare management program, 你将能够:

  • 表现出很强的商业头脑,良好的判断力和洞察力.
  • 展示全面的知识和理论应用, concepts and models applicable to healthcare management and the healthcare industry.
  • 应用 change management skills to effectively deal with transition within the ever-evolving healthcare field.
  • Employ systems thinking to better understand how teams interact and work together to create the best possible outcomes.
  • Develop skills in critical thinking, analysis, communication, organization and decision-making.

体验式学习是博彩平台推荐核心课程的一部分, 在医疗保健管理课程中也是如此. Experiential learning provides you with an opportunity to be exposed to the industry and to individuals who currently work in the industry.

医疗保健行业是一个系统. The system includes various components that are interconnected and interdependent. 因此, 你需要接受如何批判性思考的教育, 合作, 是创新的, 解决问题, 沟通, 谈判和全球化思考.  You’ll be given an opportunity to practice these skills in each of the healthcare management courses.

You’ll be offered a variety of ways to showcase your understanding of the concepts, 所分配的理论和模型. You’ll have the opportunity to complete assigned work both individually and as a group. 同行评议也贯穿整个课程.

You’ll also be expected to complete a research project that addresses a community issue related to your career path. The project begins at the start of your program and concludes near the end of your learning journey.


Understanding and supporting cultural uniqueness is embedded in the curriculum of the healthcare management degree. 行业内组织所服务的需求各不相同, and individuals who work in the industry must be mindful and respect these differences. You’ll be exposed to various case studies and 场景 to analyze and assess cultural uniqueness. 通常, 这些活动需要一群人一起完成, 因此,进一步提供了了解差异的机会.



  • ACC228管理会计- 3小时
  • MGT301组织行为学- 3小时
  • MGT317人力资源管理- 3小时
  • BIO150医学术语- 3小时
  • PHI307医学伦理学- 3小时
  • HCA140医疗保健行业调查- 3小时
  • HCA312医疗信息- 3小时
  • HCA403医疗保健法- 3小时
  • HCA427医疗保健操作- 3小时
  • HCA474老龄化的社会方面- 3小时

合计- 30小时


这是一个示例课程序列来说明本专业的课程设置. Consult the official Academic 公告 for detailed registration and advising information.


医疗保健法(HCA403) – This course examines the ever-changing legal trends faced in the healthcare environment. This course will provide the student with the skills necessary to mitigate liability through risk management principles, 培养人际关系管理技能, 纳入雇佣法程序, 管理沟通.

医疗保健操作(HCA427) – This course applies planning and controlling concepts to increase the value of the supply chain to the healthcare supplier. 学生学会评估和改进流程. 其他主题包括过程选择, 流程设计, 约束理论, 项目实施, 容量规划, 精益生产, 医疗保健行业独有的设施位置和业务预测.

老龄化的社会层面(HCA474) – This course introduces the student to core components and trends in social gerontology. 社会, 物理, 经济, and political viewpoints are taken into account to assess the interdisciplinary nature within the field.


在校园 -提供为期15周的学期形式,开始日期为1月和8月

在线 – Offered in two terms per semester starting in January, March, May, July, August and October


没有相关的浓度. However, you can use the following electives to specialize in the following four areas:


  • FIN201美国健康保险调查
  • NAT260终身健身和健康
  • PSY265寿命发展
  • NAT291药物与身体
  • HCA473急症护理管理的服务提供


  • PSY265寿命发展
  • NAT260终身健身和健康
  • CUL428死亡与死亡问题
  • HCA474老龄化的社会方面
  • HCA475长期护理的服务提供


  • NAT 312环境卫生
  • NAT 321社区/公共卫生
  • 流行病学


  • PSY 362异常行为
  • NAT 291药物和身体
  • CUL 428死亡与死亡问题


根据美国劳工统计局的数据, employment in managerial roles within the healthcare industry is expected to grow 32% from 2020 to 2030, 而2.将创造600万个新的就业岗位来照顾老龄化人口.

  • 医疗管理员
  • 医疗设施经理
  • 医疗保健质量经理
  • 健康项目经理
  • 健康服务经理
  • 人力资源经理
  • 医疗管理
  • 医务室主任
  • 药学技术人员
  • 动物医院
  • 组织实践
  • 医院
  • 长期护理设施
  • 医生的办公室




“Using my TU network has helped me to land an internship and ultimately full-time staff accountant position at a Fortune 50 company. 两年后, 我一直在公司的内部审计部门工作, 环境会计组和现在的产品库存组. 在那个时候, I have presented quarterly and yearly data to large groups including senior executives as well as assist in several projects including software testing of a West and East business unit merger in which we are integrating the entire company.”

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